Monday, July 15, 2013

From Place To Space: Höst Restaurant In Copenhagen

This Monday, I have to take you back to Copenhagen one more time. Because this experience was too good as not to be shared with you. During my visit to the Danish capital as part of the DesignTrade blogger tour, we were invited by the Danish design brand Menu to dine in the fabulous landmark restaurant 'Höst' in downtown Copenhagen.

The experience was a magical one from the very moment we set our foot into this restaurant: Höst unites the urban and rural feel in a unique way. It feels very 'rurban' I'd say. An inspiring mix of industrial elements, raw concrete and exposed brick walls, black and white furniture and chunky lighting design, large sized plants and manufactured ceramics blended the feeling of a stylish downtown restaurant, a rustic countryside mansion and a raw fabric hall. 

The entire concept was prolonged to the set table and the offered menu. We dined in style off of Norm designed tableware produced by Menu, ate traditional Danish cuisine with an experimental twist and had the most inspiring design chats among us (I was perfectly seated next to Desiree and Emma as you can see in the pic below) in the privacy of the secluded basement dining hall. 

Yet again, I can let the pictures speak for themselves and save my words when telling you: If you ever happen to go to Copenhagen, don't miss this fabulous restaurant. You will love it - for its design, for its food, for its uniqueness. 

Höst Restaurant, Nørre Farimagsgade 41, 1364 Copenhagen

Happy Monday, everybody!

Photography by Igor Josifovic


  1. WoW!! you have a great collection of interior images

  2. That looks very "rurban" indeed! Love the wooden cutting boards on the wall. Hopefully I'll have time to check it out next month :)

  3. Höst is now on my must-visit-in-Copenhagen-list! Really nice pics, Igor, really nice! ;) Looks like it's a big tree in the restaurant! I love that! // Emelie

  4. Liebe Igor,
    ich sag´s ja, Du hast ein Jet-Set-Leben ;)) Das Restaurant ist perfekt, richtig cool (tschuldigung für den ollen Ausdruck "cool" ;)) . Leider komme ich glaube niiiieee nach Kopenhagen Sniiiieeef. Aber zum Glück zeigst Du in Deinem Blog die Hot Spots und somit ist man immer Up-to-date und wenn ich mal weg komme, wende ich mich vertrauensvoll an Dich, und hole mir bei Dir Rat! Eine tolle Woche, liebe Grüße Anja

    1. Hi Anja, lieben Dank für den netten Kommentar! Es freut mich, wenn Du ein wenig Inspiration in meinen Reiseberichten hier auf dem Blog findest! Mal schauen, wo es das nächste Mal hingeht:-) Bis bald, Igor.

  5. I love this simple Scandinavian style. It never fails.

  6. Hallo, danke für den Tipp, ist für den noch ausstehenden Kopenhagen-Besuch gespeichert :)
    Liebe Grüße,

  7. Dir kann man ja auf Deutsch schreiben, uff, toll. Das ist - für mich - der tollste Post, den ich hier je aufgemacht habe. Geniale Lampen. Habe mich sofort wohlgefühlt mit diesen natürlichen Materialien überall.
    Tausend Dank

    1. Vielen Dank, Angelika!! Das freut mich sehr! Und ja, Deutsch ist absolut fein hier auf Happy Interior Blog:-)

  8. Mister! Your photography is just spectacular! Bravo!

  9. stunning photos!! You have got to teach me a trick or two Mr when we meet up in December! Host ... I am coming to you next time when I visit Copenhagen!

  10. You've captured the essence of Höst here Igor. Wonderful!

  11. Yes, HÖST is awesome! Since I lived in CPH for a while, I know that this restaurant is always busy busy busy. If you want to have dinner there, I can highly recommend to make an online reservation 1-2 weeks ago. In summer probably even more!

  12. Cool stuff you have got and you keep update all of us.


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