Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ideas For A Happy Weekend

Happy weekend, friends! This is a very quick weekend hello to all of you because I can't help but wish you a beautiful and inspiring spring weekend wherever you are (probably for some of you it'll be an autumn weekend)! 

I am busy today as I will be lecturing all day long at the BLOGST Pro blogger workshop in Munich. I will be talking about time management, organizing a busy life with a full-time day job, social life, partner, family and blogging, about editorial calendars, how to make your blog looks happy and beautiful and about networking. Lots on the agenda! So I better run! Stay tuned for a round-up soon on the blog! Big hugs everyone!

Photography via Escapade Blog, photo by Derek Swalwell, styling by Jason Grant for Inside/Out Magazine.


  1. Good luck teaching, Igor! Enjoy!

  2. You make a perfect teacher with your excellent time management, skills and talents!

  3. looks like a lot of fun at the workshop today! Happy weekend Igor!

  4. I wish I were in the audience to hear about how you manage time, I need that!

    1. I will share some insights soon on the blog:-) Happy weekend!

  5. Hallo Igor,
    schade, dass ich das mit dem Workshop eben erst gesehen habe.....allerdings blogge ich auch erst seit ca. 3 Wochen und bin quasi täglich am lernen. Vielleicht hab ich ja irgendwann mal die Möglichkeit Dich und Deinen Vortrag in München zu besuchen.
    Toller Blog übrigens!
    herzallgäuerliebste Grüße


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