Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ideas For A Happy Weekend

There is one thing that unites all of us here: the love for homes. To be more precise - for our home. Now, in the midst of the holiday season (and just a week before I am off on holidays) I am thinking of the sweet feeling of coming home. I've stumbled over this amazing photography and it immediately triggered the notion of that very special feeling of returning home. That special emotion that we sense when we encounter our own space, our own home, our own bed. Even after splendid holidays in amazing hotels and beautiful locations - after all, nothing beats our home. So no matter where you are this weekend - here's to our special little place. Our nook that is so close to our heart. The place that is a part of us. Our home. Happy weekend, friends!

Photography via Homelife


  1. Exakt. Genau die richtigen Worte. Wo kann ich unterschreiben?

    Teuerste Grüsse
    die Baumhausfee

  2. You've captured that feeling perfectly! I love that moment of arriving home, whether it's just from a day at work, or from a big trip. Perfect!

    Becky x

  3. Such a beautiful and strong image! I love the lighting and the "messy" bed...
    Amazing photography! Have a lovely weekend :)


  4. Happy weekend Igor, love the feeling in this picture :)

  5. So beautifully said Igor - Home is where the heart is......I love your blog!!

    1. Thank you so much, that is very sweet of you! Happy weekend!

  6. so true The bet thing of coming home is to leep in your own bed and just be home ;)


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