Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book Review: My Heart Wanders

Yesterday, while taking the train from Austria back to Munich, I finished reading one of the most wonderful books I've recently got between my fingers: 'My Heart Wanders' by Pia Jane Bijkerk. A book that truly touched my heart and that seemed so familiar and honest, I almost had the feeling I knew well all the words that unfolded before my eyes. Reading those lines full of emotions and thought, feelings and rationale, gave me goosebumps. Let me give you a little snippet of this moving heart travel. On the bookend cover it reads: "Four years ago something very peculiar happened. My heart wandered. It simply packed its suitcase and wandered away. I wrote it a letter in heart language but it never responded. So what does one do when one's heart wanders? Follow. For being without a heart is to be no longer alive."

This enchanting book was written by internationally acclaimed stylist, photographer and author specializing in interiors, still life and food, Pia Jane Bijkerk. With the book 'My Heart Wanders', Pia takes us on a very personal journey that is simultaneously so true for all of us. Pia is Australian and packed her suitcase leaving her homeland to live in Paris where she met her love. There, she discovered that sometimes we are tricked by our own ideas and ideologizations from time to time. Consequently, her heart wandered on to Amsterdam... She not only takes us on a wisely and carefully spoken journey along memory lane, but on an inspiring one, too. Through her artful photographies she manages to transmit a sensuous feeling of traveling, pondering, and questioning one's decisions over and over again. On the trip, we learn again what we've always known but most of us have forgotten or lost along the way. The importance of nesting, renewal, acceptance. The power of a sense of place, the importance of going with the flow to eventually find home. 

I warmly recommend this book. I have never found another book that weaves emotions, words and interiors so wisely and adorably together. I felt like taking off immediately after closing the book's cover. For I want to follow my own wandering heart. Do you?


  1. How wonderful, I got to get this book! Thank you for sharing, Igor! Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Lovely review Igor. I'm genuinely intrigued but I don't like her style. I wonder if that would get in the way of my enjoying what she has to say?

  3. Well you sold it for me! It doesn't release in the US till Spring but I ordered it off Book Depository. I couldn't wait, your review was too good!

  4. Samo da ti kazem, SVIDJA MI SE TVOJ BLOG ,
    eto sad znas...

  5. I never heard of this book before - sounds absolutely "wander-ful"!! Putting it on my list ;) Xx. Holly

  6. Danke für den wundervoll geschriebenen und sehr berührenden Post! Es scheint, als sei es das perfekte Buch, um als erstes (von mir) in diesem Jahr gelesen zu werden... schon beim Lesen Deiner Worte spüre ich, dass es sehr, sehr viel mit mir zu tun hat und auch Pias Bilder berühren mich zutiefst und deshalb werde ich jetzt meinem Herzen folgen und mir dieses Buch besorgen. Mit großer Sicherheit wird es eines meiner Lieblingsbücher werden. Herzlichen Dank, Igor, dass Du es hier vorgestellt hast.
    Auf, dass wir den Mut haben, unserem Herzen zu folgen, wohin auch immer es uns führen mag...

    Have a lovely day.

  7. Oh I am so happy you all like my blog post on this book. I am pretty sure, no one will be left untouched or disappointed by this emotional journey within two book covers!

  8. Sounds amazing! Can't wait to read it!

    Thanks for the lovely review ♥

  9. I'm with you, Igor, a beautiful book indeed. Pia has a wonderful way with words and inspiring one's dreams - a talent not to be sniffed at!

  10. Hello Igor,

    much as you felt that every word of the book unfolding before you was somehow familiar, so do I feel reading your post... strange...

    The reason I begun writing a few lines when posting today {which as usual developed into a little novel ;)} was that I realised I have secretely decided to follow my heart even when I post on the blog.

    I mean... it's all about listening to this precious part of ourselves, isn't it?

    I just adore the little paragraph you chose to share from her book. Haven't read it yet. Well, first I must purchase it ;)

    I do appreciate Pia's work as a stylist and photographer very, very much.

    It's a lovely post and so are all your latest posts about your travels! Boy you've been places recently!

    Keep on enjoying & thank you for your warm & sweet welcome up on my on line return since about a week now. Makes me smile :*)

    Have a fabulous year Igor! Bisous, xx

  11. Hi from Slovenia!

    This is the first time that am reading your blog and I can tell it wount be the last time. I love books and I will try to find this book. Thanks for sharing:)


  12. A golden rule for a happy, contented life, it would seem.

  13. What a beautiful review you've written about Pia's book. I have her 'Amsterdam' book but the new one is still on my wish list. I think I need to get her off my wish list and into my hands ;-)

  14. I have to order it! Now! Love your post & the book! Thanks, says my heart :)


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