Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ideas For A Happy Weekend

At the beginning of this week, I brought a few interiors magazine back home from Sweden and blogged about them here. One of the trending decoration topics I've spotted were kilims. As rugs or as cushions - they seem to be everywhere these days. Since I have a soft spot for ethnic inspired knick-knack I am a serious 'victim' of the kilim obsession. So this weekend I will have a look around and try to find a few nice kilim pillows for my sofa or bed. Do you have kilim cushions? Do you know good sources? No matter what you're up to this weekend, have a happy one, friends! 

Photography via The Brick House and Etsy


  1. I LOVE Kilim but haven't got any in my home. You've already seen some on Etsy. Some are gorgeous:

    Good Luck with the search.

    1. Thank you, Tina!! Need to buy 3-4 various designs. Love to make a little ethno inspired theme at home.

  2. Igor I love all the posts this week. Scandi love all the way. Really can't wait to hear about the whole trip.

  3. You can always go back to the roots and get someone (me?) to send you a traditional Serbian ćilim. I'm not really sure you can get the pattern on a cushion, but these rugs are divine!

    1. That actually is a plan! Hope to find some this summer when in Serbia. Not sure where I can get them though...

      this is just an idea. They can generally be pretty expensive if they are original and hand-made. The most precious ones come from the Pirot area. I can ask around and see if I can get you a good deal. Many people sell them.

    3. also, you can check here:

  4. Hello, I am happy to have found your blog and that you seem to have enjoyed Sweden so much. :-) I have found some great inspiration here!

  5. this one is particularly beautiful, and the man who is selling it lives in my city. I am sure you will find something fantastic when you come here. Plus, you can always count on my help.

    1. Hvala ti puno! Zaista ima divnih cilima! Bas mi je zelja da nadjem neki nas, rucno radjeni za stan. Pregledacu linkove a ti ako cujes nesto dole, obavezno mi javi!

  6. Heeej, pa ti stvarno super pričaš srpski :) Ništa ne brini, ja ću da pogledam šta ima da se kupi. Je l' bi ti kupio novi (nekorišćeni)? Šta god ti se bude dopalo na netu, ja mogu da kontaktiram te ljude, a ako ne, kad budeš došao, naći ćemo nešto :)

    1. Pa naravno:-) Javicu ti svakako ako budem nasao nesto zanimljivo preko ovih linkova!! Kupio bih i novi, samo mi je bitno da je dobar i rucni rad - a ne neki masinski. Takvih ima i ovde po prodavnicama na pretek.


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