Thursday, February 16, 2012

Home Tour: Style + Kids At Home

I don't know how many of you are already parents, but having small kids around is certainly a beautiful and joyous feeling and experience. I am a happy uncle of two little nieces and two little nephews, and every time they are around I have a real kiddo blast. However, I must prepare. Breakables and beloved memorabilia have to be lifted to 'higher grounds' and the place needs to be 'kid safe'. 

Sometimes it looks as though, once kids are moving in, you have to let go of your desire for styling, home decoration or expensive design furniture for your interiors. This little Scandinavian home proves that wrong. Style and kids can be at home, simultaneously! Truth be told, it won't be always neat and tidy, but life is a mess, well, at least sometimes. The magic seems to be in a somewhat more playful approach to design and interior styling. Another big plus is to keep enough free space for the little ones to have enough room to play and feel free. And yes, remember the one with breakables and beloved memorabilia. After all, nice floating shelves are pretty stylish, too. Do you handle kids and interior design simultaneously? I'd love to hear your story!

Photography via Bolig Magasinet


  1. ein toller post, lieber igor! meine geschichte: als die kinder noch sehr klein waren, fand ich es relativ einfach, ihren lebensraum dem meinen optisch anzugleichen mit all den netten holzspielsachen und stofftieren, die für eine junge mama wie deco-artikel aussehen. auch bei der wahl der möbel hat man noch entscheidungsfreiheit. trotzdem fanden manchmal weniger dekorative gegenstände den weg in unsere wohnung, meist aus finanziellen gründen: zum beispiel eine kostenlose, aber unschmucke wippe. wenn die kinder etwas grösser werden, ist es auch nicht mehr möglich, die weniger tollen geschenke ganz hinten in den schubladen zu verräumen und so zieren halt auch sie das häusliche umfeld - in meinem fall sogar mal eine grauenhafte bettwäsche, die dann fast den ganzen raum dominiert hat :) nun, da sich die kiddies dem teenie-alter nähern, sehen ihre zimmer wieder ganz nach meinem geschmack aus und die bettwäsche darf - weil schön dunkelgrau - auch mal gerne wieder im wohnzimmer auf dem sofa liegen. unkontrollierbare, herumliegende "deko" ist ein phänomen, das mich durch alle altersstufen hindurch begleitet hat :)

  2. Love all the images you put together. My son is three now so we're getting in to a better groove of what works for us and what doesn't.

    The biggest thing is storage and at a height they can use themselves. This way at the end of each day you can have clear up time where they just throw all the toys back in boxes/tubs/on hooks. Organised chaos if you will.

    I've also had to learn to be less precious about things and buy fabrics and soft furnishings that stand up to being put through the wash on a regular basis.

    Also for people who don't have kids- as you say move precious things out the way. Don't set kids up to fail. They like touching things and exploring new spaces- it can be so stressful visiting people sometimes, I'm not saying it's your responsibility at all as it's completely the kids and the parents but if you have your favourite/precious/mega expensive vase right next to colouring you've put out on the coffee table, it might just be safer to move it for their visit.

  3. I loved this! I'm a strong believer in the idea that having kids doesn't mean heaps of plastic take over one's home. In our own home, we've tried to accomplish this by incorporating beautiful yet functional pieces which are both kid-friendly AND wonderful to look at! Thanks for showing some great examples of how this can be accomplished.

  4. What a great post! I am inspired! As my own Jungalow begins to transform to make room for our little on I wonder what things are going to have to change? Love that old green dresser so much!

  5. I love this post, Igor, of course, for obvious reasons! :) It is really hard to maintain a stylish living space with the little one. And you're so right about using the playful approach to styling, it is really the key. Thanks for posting this!

  6. This house is so stylish but child friendly, I love the white with splashes of colour..perfect for kids and parents to enjoy, you sound like a great Uncle.

  7. I love this post, Igor. We have 2 years old toddler and she love to play with her toys (all kids like to play, btw haha). She has own bed room with plenty of space to play, but we didn't restrict her to play around the house either. So her toys is part of our house decoration, it blended well too. in Our coffee table we have our books, mood board and few toys that she can grabs, Also her kitchen set is part of our living room decoration. I think its pretty fun :)

  8. Thank you all for your interesting and insightful comments! I knew there are enough stylish mums around to share the family experience.

  9. So nice, i love it ☺
    Very nice blog you have, I will follow your ☺

  10. What a fab space for a family. love the kitchen space here, the heart of the home. :-)

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