Friday, April 24, 2015

Pillow Talk By Wool And The Gang

One of the advantages of social media is bonding with likeminded people. Yes you could call it the gangs of the 21st century. One of those gangs that unites people with a love for knitting or knitted goodies is Wool and the Gang. I had the opportunity to meet the creative minds of Wool and the Gang during our Bloggers Tour in London in March and I even managed to knit a row - can you imagine! I still officially claim that I have two left hands when it comes to any kind of DIY! But Wool and the Gang caters to all people with a passion for cosy knitwear - even to those who are happy with ready knit goods.

Wool and the Gang is above all known for its knitwear - it can be bought either ready made or as knit kits for talented hands. When I met Wool and the Gang during our visit to Heal's in London (thanks to the interiors community at{mine}), I heard their news about launching a new home collection and it's launched by now - they extended their collection with knitted cushions, pillows and a blanket.

I've been cuddling up with their knitted pillow for a while now and I can confirm that it has become my favorite sofa cuddle buddy - while I am working, watching a movie or simple cozying up with a good book and coffee. The pillow is super soft as it is made of a unique yarn that has been made from up-cycled t-shirt scraps.

Are you a talented knitter (unlike me)? Or do you prefer the ready-made version? Whatever version you opt for, one thing is for sure: it is super cosy and comfy. And you'll be part of the gang - Wool and the Gang.

Photography by Igor Josifovic, second image by Wool and the Gang
This post has been brought to you in collaboration with Wool and the Gang


  1. So happy to have found your blog :-) Love your instapics and look forward to follow you here as well. Hug Vibeke/Interiorbazar

    1. Thank you very much Vibeke!! Yes let's connect!! Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. Replies
    1. It is, I really like how the chunky knit adds texture to the sofa!

  3. Lieber Igor,

    tolle Kissen zeigst Du da! Ich finde ja, Kissen kann man nie genug haben und es gibt ja auch soviel tolle Exemplare! Hab ein tolles Wochenende, Kathrin*

    1. Da bin ich ganz Deiner Meinung Kathrin! Allerdings brauch ich bald ein extra Zimmer, um all meine Kissen zu lagern:-) Schönes Wochenende auch Dir!!

  4. Beautiful! Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)


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