Thursday, March 28, 2013

Book Review: German 'Decorate Workshop'

Happy Interior Blog is reaching slowly its 1.5 years - let's call it baby maturity. One of the things I vividly remember from my early blogging days (sounds like it's been centuries ago) was the first time meeting with one of the leading interiors and decorating blogger celebrities Holly Becker. I met Holly at her first book's presentation in Munich and wrote about it HERE.

Now after almost 1.5 years I am flipping through her second book 'Decorate Workshop' or - as entitled in German - 'Wunderbare Wohnideen', published by Callwey. Holly's second book is aimed to be a practical day-to-day guide for interior design and decoration projects. With the easy step-by-step approach the reader learns how to embark on an interior design project and how to let go the fears and concerns. Compared to Decorate, this is a more practical work manual rather than a coffee table book. However, the easy to read guide is beautifully visualized by the photography of Debi Treloar.

Instead of snapping a few pics of the inspiring pages, I've opted for two quick Vine videos to give you a rough idea of the book's structure and content. Many of you might have it in their book shelves already. And for those who don't - reconsider! It might come in very handy for your next design project!

Photography & videos by Igor Josifovic


  1. Hahaha you are so funny with Holly on twitter :D You've both come a long way (since 2011 and before)! Very curious about your stay (and the cocktails involved) in Athens. Happy Thursday, Igor!

  2. what fun! love your vine videos and Holly's book is for sure a fab read over the Easter weekend! any plan for the weekend my friend?

    1. No big plans - staying in Munich for a change and making an Easter brunch on Sunday:-)

  3. I have the first book, and I guess I`ll have to read this book as well. Holly is good!:-) Happy easter! - Heidi

  4. That book is on my wishlist, has been for a while... I like the idea that it's kind of a decorating manual, helping to find your own style. Smart Holly, always finding a way to stand out in the crowd! Even though I think I'll get the english version. Somehow I don't like the German title. It's too "heititeititei, wie süß, wunderbare wohnideen, schnuckischnuckischnuck". Naja. Decorate workshop just sounds more grown up to me. You know what I mean?

  5. I have the English version and I adore it. Love the use of Vine for reviews. It really highlights the book better than pictures would.

  6. I have both of Holly's books and love them. Your use of Vine allows us to see a lot more of the book - great idea!

  7. This looks like a good one, thanks for sharing.
    I haven't checked whether her books are available in Luxembourg or not. Her older one has been on my wish list and I think I may have to add this one too. That wish list is getting loooooong.

    Enjoy your Easter holidays!

  8. Such a great book...I own the English version (with a very nice personal dedication from Holly)!

  9. Think I'll stick to the English version, but that is great to see :) Enjoy your holidays!

  10. Igor THANK YOU so much for this creative book review - love the video and that you've shared a photo of yourself reading it - this was totally cool and unique. Thank you again, so much, for your support! You are such a ray of sunshine, Igor - I'm so glad you started blogging - I still remember talking to you in Munich in 2011 about your new blog, it was just getting ready to launch - remember that? I was so excited for you. To see how far you've come in a short period of time is very inspiring. I wish you loads more success!

    1. Thank you very much for the sweet words, Holly! This means a lot!

  11. @Lena - I can relate too! My publisher likes these names like Lust auf Wohnen and Wunderbare Wohnideen instead of their English titles, Decorate and Decorate Workshop - they told me they do lots of market research before they choose titles and Germans always choose those names above the English titles on my other books. For me, Decorate has deeper meaning since it's my brand, decor8, which has the same pronunciation. But it's okay, I think they know what appeals to a majority of Germans so I don't mind it - they seem to know their market. At least people here can really read and enjoy the text in a way that goes to the heart and that means more to me - I am just honored to even HAVE books being published in Germany!!!


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