Monday, November 25, 2013

Blogst 2013 - Speaking At The German Blogger Conference

It seems that the weeks before the festive holidays need to be pretty busy and packed with schedules, not only gift shopping. In between all my trips I'm trying to take you with me and share some precious moments of happiness with you. Thus, I want to share with you my participation as a speaker at the German blogger conference Blogst two weekends ago. I was invited to speak on the topic of 'Social Media Personality' and I was thrilled and a bit nervous to speak in front of 180 passionate bloggers. But from the very first moment at the conference it proved that my nervousness was absolutely out of place. And if you wonder what my presentation was all about, check out the fabulous impromptu sketch note made by blogger Frau Hölle during my presentation. So fab!

Blogst is an annual blogger conference founded and organized by my two blogger friends Ricarda and Clara and has received high appraisal among the German lifestyle blogger crowd - Blogst is most popular among interior design, DIY, and food bloggers. 

This year's conference was held in the Western German city of Essen in a pretty urban and artsy event location called Unperfekthaus. It had a sort of rough Berlin edge to it. Everything was perfectly organized and supported by numerous sponsors, I met some good old blogger friends as well as charming new ones. But I was not only speaking there, I was also there to learn from other experienced bloggers. I listened carefully to the keynote by the ever charming sisters Thea and Toni of Sister Magazine, I attended a Photoshop breakout session taught by Trixi and enjoyed every single presentation of the other speakers. 

The overall feeling that still lingers on is that Germany has a very warmhearted and inspiring lifestyle blogger community which is why the entire Blogst conference felt like a big annual blogger family meeting. The only question that remains: Will I see you next year at Blogst, too?

Photography: Blogst marked photos by Christian Burmester, all other photos by Bridgee/Little Star Blog, Sketch note by Frau Hölle


  1. ein schöner Bericht und ein guter Einblick in die Konferenz. Danke!

    1. Sehr gerne, Kasia! Es war ein super tolles Wochenende!

  2. Mein Lieber, es war schön, Dich wiedergesehen zu haben und Dein Vortrag war bombe!
    Bis hoffentlich bald! Liebe Grüße, Bine

    1. Mich hat es auch sehr gefreut, Bine!! Bis sehr bald hoffentlich!

  3. Ich bin ein bisschen traurig, dass wir uns nicht kennengelernt haben. Aber immerhin durfte ich gespannt Deinem tollen Vortrag lauschen, habe so Dein Blog entdeckt und wer weiß- vielleicht sehen wir uns ja nächstes Jahr wieder!
    LG Mia

    1. Oh das würde mich freuen, Mia! Es war ein turbulentes Wochenende und ich habe so die Befürchtung, dass ich nicht jeden kennen lernen konnte. Aber dafür gibt es ja jedes Jahr eine Blogst! Yeah!

  4. Ich werde wieder um ein Ticket kämpfen!;) Dein Vortrag war toll und hat mich sehr zum Nachdenken hinsichtlich #smp angeregt - vielen Dank für die Kleine Aufgabe & alles Liebe

  5. yep! thumbs up for your post - and blogst. i've really enjoyed it, too - and was surprised what a huge community bloggers are. blogging is a serious fun. :)
    frau s.

    1. Totally agree, Stefi. And I must say that the Geman blogger community is very special - it felt like a family meeting!

  6. Dein Vortrag war wirklich toll, ich hatte schon länger das Gefühl, ich muss diese ganzen Social Media Kanäle irgendwie besser ordnen und da hast Du mir sehr geholfen, langsam auf den richtigen Weg zu kommen. :)

    Und klar, ich bin 2014 auch dabei. Ich verpass doch keine Familientreffen. :)

    Liebe Grüße!

    1. Es freut mich, dass Du was mitgenommen hast von meinem Vortrag. Und ich freue mich auch auf das Wiedersehen!

  7. So lovely to hear all about this event Igor! I saw the great pics on Instagram and was wondering what it was all about-huge congratulations on your presentation-I don't doubt that you were brilliant!

  8. Congratulations on your presentation... love all the photos of you BUT just had to pin that fabulous creative map of your presentation. Brill! Well done my friend:-)

    PS> Was easy for me to imagine you all at the Umperfekthaus as I've been there many times.

  9. Brilliant Igor. Well done & am sure your presentation/talk was the best of the whole event! :-)


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